Blog Education Hypnosis NLP

First Online Self-Hypnosis Course Completed!

self-hypnosis-300x225I did my first online training over the last three weeks by running a self-hypnosis course using a web-meeting system called AnyMeeting. Naturally, we had glitches along the way in the form of audio problems and other connectivity issues. Still, the power of modern technology

Blog Music NLP

NLP Festival 2015

If you haven’t heard about the NLP Festival 2015 yet, please check out the webpage. It’s going to be a really great event full of fun and learning. We have Martin Gustaffson, a master trainer of NLP, coming in from Sweden. There will be lessons in Self-hypnosis, workshops on state management, marketing NLP skills and more. And of course, on Saturday night, we will have the big social event with music, dancing, crystal bowls, and trancing. See you in Nagoya at the end of October.

Blog NLP

Interview with Richard Davies

Thanks to Richard Davies for interviewing me for his web program. It was a really fun interview in which we tried to define NLP and returned to the old Robert Dilts definition of „the study of the structure of Subjective Experience“. We also addressed the question of why NLP is not therapy, and how it can be used as a therapeutic tool. Lots of fun stuff here.

Blog NLP Reviews

Review: The Origins of NLP

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Blog NLP

MBTI – Dealing with INTP Procrastination

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Blog NLP Reviews Therapy

Review: Heart of the Mind

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Blog Education NLP

GOAL Textbook for EFL Students

Ben Backwell and I just completed a new textbook aimed at teaching goal-setting skills to university students in Japan. We are very happy with the way the book has turned out. It takes students on a semester-long journey starting with their dreams, changing these into actionable goals, and achieving each step through action plans.  Along the way, students learn great skills like creating good habits, state management, and much more.
The book is due back from the printer next week, so I will be posting more details at that point.

Blog Hypnosis NLP Reviews

Review: Fundamentals of Ericksonian Hypnotherapy : A 13-hour Course with the Masters

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Blog NLP

Dementors and the Time-Turner

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