Other Stories

Virtually no competition

While professional soccer is still struggling to find a firm foothold in the United States, in the 1970s the North American Soccer League marked the brave first attempt to introduce the game to American sports fans. While most teams had only limited success at best, one did manage to break through to genuine mainstream popularity – the New York Cosmos.
It was the brainchild of Steve Ross, a passionate soccer fan who was also a major executive at Warner Communications.
Max Ross told his son Steve: “In life there are those who work all day, those who dream all day, and those who spend an hour dreaming before setting to work to fulfil those dreams. Go into the third category because there’s virtually no competition”.
Source: “Once In A Lifetime – The Extraordinary Story Of The New York Cosmos” by Gavin Newsham

Other Stories

Cheating at Drawing

He was not good at drawing at school and never had his work displayed in the classroom. One day, by mistake, he completed a drawing having taken two sheets of paper instead of the usual single sheet. He noticed an outline of the drawing on the second sheet. This gave him an idea and he took a sheet of paper home and traced over a drawing he liked so an outline was left on the sheet underneath which he then took to school. In the lesson he drew over the outline and submitted the work as his own. After a couple of tries he had his work selected for display on the classroom wall. And so it continued for a whole term but then he started to feel guilty and decided he would stop cheating. Next term he drew without following an outline and found to his surprise that, with all the practice, his drawing was much better than it had been and after a few weeks he had a piece of work selected for display.

Other Stories

Careful of being Careful

Once a had a car and I had it for awhile. It was well looked after, I washed it every day and use the highest grade products on and in it to make sure it was at it’s best.
I also had it serviced on time when needed and sometimes even before it needed it because it deserved the best.
One day I was driving it as I always do very carefully always under the speed limit, avoiding any pot holes or debris that might damage my vehicle, and then without any warning the engine blew up!

Other Stories

Death Valley

Not far from where I live is a place called Death Valley. Death Valley is the hottest, driest place in America, and nothing grows there. Nothing grows there because it doesn’t rain. Hence, Death Valley. In the winter of 2004, it rained in Death Valley. Seven inches of rain fell over a very short period. And in the spring of 2005, there was a phenomenon. The whole floor of Death Valley was carpeted in flowers for a while. What it proved is this: that Death Valley isn’t dead. It’s dormant. Right beneath the surface are these seeds of possibility waiting for the right conditions to come about, and with organic systems, if the conditions are right, life is inevitable. It happens all the time. You take an area, a school, a district, you change the conditions, give people a different sense of possibility, a different set of expectations, a broader range of opportunities, you cherish and value the relationships between teachers and learners, you offer people the discretion to be creative and to innovate in what they do, and schools that were once bereft spring to life.

Other Stories

The Christmas Ham

A little girl is watching her mother prepare the Christmas ham for dinner in the way that she always does every Christmas. As usual, she notices her mother cutting off the edges to make it into a square shape before putting it into the oven.
This year, she was curious and asked her mother, “why do you cut the edges off the Christmas ham?”
Her mother stopped and paused for a second and said, “That’s a very good question. When I was a little girl, I used to watch my mother doing the same thing. Let’s call Grandma and see what’s up.”
So they called up Grandma, and they said, “why is that you used to cut the edges off the Christmas ham?”
And Grandma said, “well, that’s because every year Grandpa used to get a ham for a bonus. And our oven was so small that I had to cut off the edges to make it fit.”
And so they realized that it was no longer necessary to cut off the edges and from that moment onwards, they decided not to cut the edges off the ham.

Other Stories

I'm Not a Carer

The elderly Jewish taxi driver is seeing a therapist to help ease the pressure of looking after his ill wife. His story unfolds and he talks about his alcoholic mother and how he needed to protect his younger brother from her rages. When he got married he and his wife had a severely disabled child who he has looked after. Now his wife has Alzheimer’s.
The therapist says, “When you think about it you’ve been a carer all you life”. The taxi driver replies “Carer is a modern word, what I’ve been is a son, a brother, a father and a husband”.
I find this a very moving statement, it expresses a dignity and set of values that in our “blame and claim” society we might be in danger of losing. Some pain can be eased, some has to be born as best we can.

Other Stories

The Blue Butterfly

A wise, old man lives in a village. One day 2 boys catch butterfly and go to his home. He sees them coming and welcomes them but they rebuff him saying they just want an answer to the question is the butterfly held in their hands alive or dead. Old man thinks about it for a long time
Finally he says. The answer is in your hands.

Other Stories

The Japanese Soldier

The Japanese Soldier
During World War II, at the height of Japanese expansion in the Pacific, there were Japanese garrisons on literally thousands of tiny islands scattered across an enormous expanse of ocean. When the tide of battle turned, many of these were overrun and defeated, but some were entirely missed. On other islands, small groups of soldiers or isolated survivors hid in caves in inaccessible areas. A few years later, the war was over. But since these survivors didn’t know this, they continued to struggle, maintaining, their rusting weapons and tattered uniforms as best they could, totally isolated, yearning to be reunited with their command.
In the years immediately following the war, many of these soldiers were discovered when they shot at fishermen or tourist boats, or were found by natives. As the years passed, these discoveries became less frequent. The last one was some thirty years after the war had ended.
Consider the position of such a soldier. His government had called him, trained him, and sent him off to a jungle island to defend and protect his people against great external threat. As a loyal and obedient citizen, he had survived many privations and battles through the years of war. When the ebb and flow of battle passed him by, he was left alone or with a few other survivors. During all those years, he had carried on the battle in the best way he could, surviving against incredible odds. Despite the heat, the insects, and the jungle rains, he carried on, still loyal to the instructions given to him by his government so long ago.
How should such a soldier be treated when he is found? It would be easy to laugh at him, and call him stupid for continuing to fight a war that has been over for 30 years.
Instead, whenever one of these soldiers was located, the first contact was always made very carefully. Someone who had been a high-ranking Japanese officer during the war would take his old uniform and samurai sword out of the closet, and take an old military boat to the area where the lost soldier had been sighted. The officer would walk through the jungle, calling out for the soldier until he was found. When they met, the officer would thank the soldier, with tears in his eyes, for his loyalty and courage in continuing to defend his country for so many years. Then he would ask him about his experiences, and welcome him back. Only after some time would the soldier gently be told that the war was over, and that his country was at peace again, so he would not have to fight any more. When he reached home he would be given a hero’s welcome, with parades and medals, and crowds thanking him and celebrating his arduous struggle and his return and reunion with his people.

Other Stories

Life Is Like a Cup of Coffee

A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life.
Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups – porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite – telling them to help themselves to the coffee.
When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said: “If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups have been taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress.
Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups… And then you began eyeing each other’s cups.
Now consider this: Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain Life, and the type of cup we have does not define, nor change the quality of life we live.
Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee. Savor the coffee, not the cups! The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything. Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.
–author unknown

Other Stories

Going into Orbit

Quite a number of years ago I received a telephone call from L.A. A young man who told me, “I’m working on a ship as a seaman and I’m awfully afraid I’m going to go into orbit.”
I told him I thought it would be inadvisable to continue working on board that ship. So he got a job working in a mine. And he found that even if he were a mile deep into the earth he was still obsessed with the fear of going into orbit.
And he came to Phoenix to see me. I don’t know how he got my name or why he chose me, but I do know he saw a NUMBER of psychiatrists and they all wanted to give him shock therapy—electroshock therapy—because of his delusion that he was going to go into orbit.
Now I didn’t think he should get shock therapy. I had him get a job in a warehouse. And he was afraid he was going into orbit. And that delusion was so persistent that he couldn’t count as far as ten without having to stop and reassure himself that he was not YET in orbit. He was entitled to perspire because of the heat but not perspire THAT much! But he was dreading so much going into orbit.
I tried to distract his mind by asking him to count his steps as he walked along the street and to memorize the street names. But that, “I’m going to go into orbit, I’m going to go into orbit”, obsessed him . . . interfered with him. He couldn’t get very much sleep because he was afraid he was going to go into orbit. And fjnally I realized I couldn’t do anything for him except settle down with him and EXPLAIN to him, “Now apparently it is your destiny to go into orbit. Now the astronauts go into orbit, and there is always an end to the orbit . . . they come back to earth again. And as long as you are going to go into orbit why not get it OVER with?”
So I had him take salt pills and a canteen of water and I had him walk about fourteen hours a day along the tops of MOUNTAINS around here, and he had to come in at 10:30 at night to report that he had not yet gone into orbit. But he slept well, as you would walking around on mountain tops with a canteen of water and walking for about fourteen hours a day. And finally he began to get just a little bit dubious about going into orbit.
Then his sister came to me asking if he could go to California where she lived. She said her husband had a job but that he would not or could not fix up things around the house. And she had a picket fence that needed some painting, a gate that needed to be repaired, some shelves to be built, and so I told the young man he could go to California because he would be in sight of mountains and he could take his canteen with him and his salt pills, and if he got a sudden feeling that he was destined to go into orbit he could get up on top of a mountain so he could go easily into orbit.
Now a few months later he came back and said, “That was a delusional psychotic idea” and he didn’t know what had made him so crazy and he felt that I had saved him from hospitalization at the State hospital.