Blog Music

iPods, Attention, and Value

I was teaching a class on Acoustic Design this morning and I asked the students how many of them were carrying iPods. 6 out of the 15 students had Apple iPods. All of the others had a portable music player of some kind. These are truly amazing inventions that allow us to carry a whole world of music or audio books around in our pocket. It is truly the stuff of science fiction and although we may not have flying cars in 2010, we have a high fidelity theatre capable of playing thousands of songs right in our own pocket.
And it is thousands of songs. Even the lowly iPod Nano which one of my students has can store 8Gb which is enough for about 3000 songs. That is twice the capacity of the original iPod which I bought when it came out first, and at about one quarter of the cost and one eight of the size. Within a few short years, technology has vastly changed the number of songs that a person can carry around and listen to.
When I started listening to music as a child, cassette tapes were the primary medium in my house. Some houses used LPs, but at one time at least, many people believed that cassette tapes were superior and that they would replace CDs. Cassettes had the advantage that you could record on them and drop them without seeing them shatter into hundreds of expensive pieces. They were also relevant immune to scratches and mishandling. In my class today, however, three of the students had never used a cassette tape at all. LPs have made a slight comeback, but most of my students had never touched a record. Technology has definitely moved on.
In the days of cassettes at my house, we had perhaps 60 or 70 cassette tapes that we could listen to. If each cassette had 10 songs on it, then we had a total of perhaps 700 songs that we could listen to. And we did listen to them – again and again and again – often until the tape was stretched and the singer began to sing in a much lower voice.
Whereas we had 700 songs to listen to, my students have 3,000 in their pockets and usually many more on their home computers. A simple calculation shows that listening to 3,000 songs could take 6 days even in continuous listening. One student admitted that there were many songs on his iPod that he had never listened to and probably more than a thousand that he had listened to only once.
It is clear that technology has given us more choices in our listening, and in NLP terms greater choice is a good thing, but the downside is that our attention is now much lessened, and NLP reminds us that where our attention goes, there energy flows.  Because our attention has become much more scattered over a larger number of songs, and consequently become much less focused, the amount of listening energy that we give to each song has fallen. Along with the easy copying of music from friends or downloading ‘free’ music from the Internet, this fall in attention has led to a corresponding fall in the perceived value of music. It is simple supply and demand. When there is such an enormous supply of music, easily available on our iPods, the price (or in this case – the perceived value) falls.
And as the perceived value falls, so does our listening ability because we do not put as much effort (or energy) into listening to something when we see it as having less value. As both a musician and a teacher of acoustic design, this bothers me because it is yet another sign that the human interface with the enviroment (the ears and the psychological mechanisms of listening) are weakening, and the tolerance of the deterioration in the external sound environment as evidenced by the noise of our cities is one result.
In previous articles, I have written about simple earcleaning activities that can help to bring back some energy to listening to the environment. I provide another simple example below of an earcleaning exercise for music listening.
1. Choose a song or piece of music that you like.
2. Import the song into Audacity or another sound editor.
3. Using labels, divide the song into intro, verse, chorus, bridge etc.
4. List all of the instruments used in the order that they appear.
5. Examine the dynamic range of each instrument. Is it louder at some points in the song?
6. Determine the spatial location of each instrument. Is it on the left or right or center? Or is it moving?
7. Identify the effects used in the song, for example, reverb, delay, distortion, and so on.
Have fun listening to a song closely. As you give more attention in your listening to a single song, you might just find that your enjoyment of all songs rises.


Copyright 2010 by Brian Cullen

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Review: Cards for Learning Language Patterns

Over the last few years, one of the greatest tools that I have found for learning NLP is the series of card decks from Salad Ltd. The founder of Salad, Jamie Smart, is not the first to put out cards which practice language patterns, but he has taken the idea much further than anyone else, and he now offers six different sets of cards.
At this very moment (early-December 2010), they are offering a very good value offer on all six packs. I have no connection with the company at all, but I have a lot of respect for the work that Jamie Smart has done in putting together this amazing resource.
If you are serious about practicing NLP language patterns until they are truly “in the muscle” or “wired in” or whatever your favourite expression for mastery is, then I highly recommend these cards, especially the sets:


©2010 by Brian Cullen

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Conversational Hypnosis in the Classroom

I was listening to an audio program about conversational hypnosis in which the trainer was talking about the use of embedded suggestions. While the audio program was discussing one-to-one interactions, embedded suggestions are also potentially useful in educational settings. Two common ways of using these suggestions are given below.

Method 1

Create an embedded suggestion in three or less words and insert it into a phrase that is not conveyed directly as a command or instruction to the students. For example, if the suggestion is “Do homework”, you can embed it in an anecdote or class reading like the example below:

Research has shown that students who always do homework are also the same students who achieve well in other areas of their life. In contrast, students who do not always do homework are less likely to be successful in other areas of life.

Here, the embedded suggestion do homework was repeated twice within the natural flow of a story about other people, but at an unconscious level the students in your own classroom will hear the suggestion.
The effect of embedding suggestions is vastly increased by using analogue markers. By this, I am referring to changes in your voice tone, gestures, or other changes at the point where the embedded suggestion occurs. For example, you could raise the volume of your voice very slightly as you say the words do homework. Or you could make a unique gesture such as raising one hand slightly as you say that phrase. Or you could combine the raise in volume with the raising hand.
If you are presenting the embedded suggestion in a text, you have various options for analogue markers. The least subtle is to emphasize the embedded suggestion by putting it in capital letters (DO HOMEWORK). However, this is equivalent to shouting in a conversation and you may achieve better results if you use a more subtle analogue marker. For example, you can capitalize the first letter of each word of the embedded suggestion (Do Homework), or you could italicize the words (do homework) or italicize the first letter of each word (do homework). You could even send a subtle signal to the unconscious mind by using a different font for one letter in each word.
Analogue markers can be very subtle and yet still have a powerful effect. The unconscious mind is always on the lookout for changes because it is changes in the current situation that provide the most interest. So a slight change in volume or a subtle gesture may not even be noticed by the conscious  mind and yet is enough to allow the unconscious mind to recognize the marked phrase as important in some way–especially if the phrase is associated with the analogue marker several times.

Method 2

An additional method of using embedded suggestions in your teaching or training involves all of the suggestions above, but is based on the idea that the words of the embedded suggestion do not need to all come together, but instead can be spread out over a longer phrase. An example is given below for the suggestion do your homework:

If you decide to do something, then it is good to think of your reasons carefully, so whether it is at home or at work, you can really check if it is worth doing.

As in Method 1 described above, apply analogue markers to the words of the embedded suggestion. Be careful not to apply those analogue markers to any other part of the communication, so that the unconscious mind can combine the marked words into a single coherent phrase.


Students are bombarded with teachers giving them instructions and can happily let those direct commands to go in one ear and out the other without having any real effect, and embedded suggestions offer a powerful and subtle way to help your students to learn more effectively. Try experimenting with some embedded suggestions in your classes and let me know how you get on!
©2010 by Brian Cullen

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NLP values multiple perspectives because each perspective can enrich our map of the world. Within any NLP training, the trainer will certainly offer different tools and perspectives, but one of the most valuable things for any NLP trainer or practitioner is to examine how other trainers present the tools of NLP. One very interesting perspective is provided by Steve G. Jones, an American hypnotherapist. I purchased some of Steve’s hypnotherapy audio programs long before I realized that he was also an NLP trainer, and when I watched his NLP training videos, I saw that his long experience as an hypnotherapist has given him a valuable perspective on NLP.
Steve suggests that only 10% of our brain is under conscious control and that the other 90% is unconscious (he uses the equivalent term subconscious). When we try to make a change in our lives, we generally attempt to make that change using the tools of the conscious mind, what he describes as:

But these tools of the conscious mind only make up 10% of the brain’s operation and they run up against defenses. Our brains create these defenses because even unwanted behaviours such as smoking, gambling, and alcohol abuse may have some benefit or what is generally called secondary gain. For example, smoking may provide a social circle or gambling may form a kind of stress relief. Because of these defenses, the tools of the conscious mind (Willpower, Analytical, and Rational) very often fail to help us change the habits that we consciously want to change. In particular, impulses originating in the unconscious brain can act to deter the conscious. These include impulses such as being:
These impulses hijack the intended change, and the power of NLP lies in its ability to put a person more directly in communication with the unconscious mind. Steve describes the unconscious mind as including:
Physiological Control
It is this SHIP that is really in control and it is only when we get on the SHIP that we can truly gain control over our unwanted behaviours and direct our lives in the most optimal way. Steve believes that NLP puts you in contact with the SHIP.

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Website problems ;(

Anyone who has been trying to access through the URL has probably not been able to read the website. Then again – you probably won’t be able to read this post either!
DNS, Nameservers, and similar website backend stuff always confuse me enormously.
I hope to get the URL working again very soon. In the meantime, if you’re reading this, you have no problem. If you’re not reading this, you also have no problem. It’s just me and the webserver folks who have the problem 🙂

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NLP and Addiction

Helping people to overcome addictions such as alcohol and drugs can be very challenging for an NLP practitioner. This article by Richard Bolstad and Margot Hamblett provides an excellent summary of some useful NLP intervention.
Transforming Recovery: NLP and Addiction | International Society of Neuro-Semantics.
The article recognizes the different stages

Blog Reviews

Book Review: The Tipping Point

Malcolm Gladwell is one of my favourite writers, and I have great respect for the manner in which he can popularize important research findings in a way that respects the original research and still manages to be accessible to non-specialists. I read The Tipping Point when it came out first in 2000 and reread it recently. The subtitle of the book says it well: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference.
In Gladwell’s view, there are three type of people who are responsible for producing epidemics, trends, thought viruses, fashion, or whatever you may wish to term the popularization of a phenomenon. The connector brings people together. The maven is highly knowledgeable about the phenomenon, and the salesman is able to convince people of its merits. Sometimes one person can combine more than one of these roles, and sometimes they are different people, but in general a phenomenon (product, idea …) needs someone to create a group, someone to have expert knowledge, and someone to market the phenomenon.
Gladwell gives some excellent examples including the long life of Sesame Street, the fall in crime in New York, and the high rate of suicide in some areas. This is a valuable book for people interested in spreading ideas or raising the profile of products. In his conclusion, Gladwell notes that a big budget is not always necessary to get the word out, and that conventional advertising can be a huge waste of money sometimes. Instead, producing a message that is congruent with its context, finding an appropriate messenger, and setting up a network is the key. I talked to a publisher recently who had just spent $5,000 dollars on newspaper advertising that had yielded a single phone call which led to nothing.
People are innundated by advertising and while nobody would say that it is meaningless, people are powerfully influenced by their surroundings, their immediate contexts, and most importantly the personalities of those around them. Finding the special people to spread the message can make the difference that turns a product or an idea into a runaway success.

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Influences on NLP

Richard Bandler and John Grinder are generally credited with creating NLP, but they freely admit that they were influenced by a large number of other thinkers, and since the beginnings of NLP in the early 1970s, NLP has been further developed, taken in new directions, and enriched by many others. This article attempts to summarize some of the major early contributions. I will leave it to History to act as the judge of the relative importance of the later contributors! This article can be considered as a work in progress and suggestions are welcomed.

Alfred Korzybski (1879-1950)

Korzybski developed the theory of General Semantics which set the epistemological groundwork for NLP by suggesting that human beings are limited in what they know by the structure of both their nervous systems, and the structure of human languages. As a result, human beings cannot experience the world directly, but only through what he called their “abstractions.” Korzybski’s most famous quote, “The map is not the territory”, is the fundamental presupposition of NLP.

Paul Watzlawick (1921 – 2007)

Paul Watzlawick was an Austrian-American psychologist and philosopher, particularly in communication theory and radical constructivism. His work in family therapy and brief therapy was directly relevant for the early work in NLP. He also developed many of Gregory Bateson’s ideas and his work underlies several of the NLP presuppositions. One of his memorable quotations is: “You cannot not communicate.”

Milton Erickson (1901 – 1980)

Milton Erickson was one of the biggest influences on NLP and his work and metaphors can still be found directly and indirectly in every NLP training program around the world. Erickson was a psychiatrist who specialized in medical hypnosis. Grinder and Bandler met Erickson through Gregory Bateson and they modelled some of his hypnotic patterning in two books. Erickson conceptualized the unconscious mind as being highly separate from the conscious mind, with its own awareness, interests, responses, and learnings, and he taught that the unconscious mind was creative, solution-generating, and often positive. He often carried out his hypnotic inductions and suggestions in the form of conversation and stories which he considered to be a powerful way to communicate with the unconscious.

Gregory Bateson (1904 – 1980)

Gregory Bateson was a British researcher and writer in many different fields including  anthropology, linguistics, semiotics and cybernetics. He was married to the well-known anthropologist, Margaret Meade. Richard Bandler was Bateson’s landlord, and Bateson introduced him to Milton Erickson. In addition to personal contacts, Bateson’s writings have been and continue to be an enormous influence on NLP, particularly on the underlying epistemology and the NLP presuppositions which draw on cybernetics:

  • Life and mind are systemic processes
  • Choice is better than no choice
  • There is no failure, only feedback

Bateson also described information as “a difference that makes a difference”. In NLP, it is often said that we are looking for “the difference that makes the difference.” In other words, what is the change in behaviour or beliefs or something else  that will produce the optimal movement towards a goal?

Jay Haley (1923 – 2007)

Jay Haley was very involved in the family therapy movement and helped to spread the ideas of Gregory Bateson.

Fritz Perls (1893 – 1970)

Fritz Perls was the founder of Gestalt therapy. He was the first person to be modelled by NLP, and in combination with transformational grammar, this led to the development of the Meta Model–the key model within NLP for moving from words and labels back to specific sensory experiences. Other influences on NLP include “parts”, the importance of physiology, spatial sorting, and an emphasis on what/how someone is doing something rather than why.

Virginia Satir (1916 – 1988)

Virginia Satir was one of the leaders in the Family Therapy movement. She was modelled by Bandler and Grinder in the early days and her work strongly influenced NLP tools including representational systems, reframing, nonverbal communication, and parts negotiation.

David Gordon

David Gordon was largely responsible for the widespread use of therapeutic metaphors in NLP, inspired greatly by his work with Milton Erickson.

Ivan Pavlov (1849 – 1936)

Ivan Pavlov is probably the best known behavioural scientist for his work with dogs, and most people have heard of his experiments in which a dog was conditioned to associate the sound of a bell with being fed. This is known as the conditioned reflex. In NLP, this type of stimulus-response is called an anchor or a trigger and it is a fundamental tool for entering a useful state.

Robert Dilts

Robert Dilts has developed many influential models of NLP including Neurological Levels, Sleight of Mouth, and Reimprinting. He also authored the Encyclopedia of Systemic NLP with Judith DeLozier. He is best known for his work on beliefs and strategies.

Richard Bolstad

Richard Bolstad has developed several influential communication and therapy models including the Resolve Model and the Personal Strengths Model.

George Miller, Eugene Galanter, and Karl Pribram

In their 1960 book, Plans and the Structure of Behavior, they described the TOTE Model which became a major influence on NLP strategies.

Noam Chomsky

Chomsky is a well-known linguist and political commentator who developed transformational grammar. John Grinder brought his knowledge of transformational grammar to NLP where it became the basis of the Meta Model in conjunction with the modelling of Fritz Perls.

Tad James

Tad James is an influential NLP trainer and developer who is best known for his development of Time Line Therapy and his use of Hawaiian Huna.

Useful Links

  • Tranceworks offers a great list of books which created the trail of NLP
  • Pegasus NLP provides a brief well-written history of NLP which emphasizes its present lack of overall coherence.
  • A good description of the history of NLP with links to all the major players is available at Wikipedia.


Copyright © 2010 by Dr. Brian Cullen,
Associate Professor, Nagoya Institute of Technology

NLP Coaching and Training

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NLP: The Toolbox for the Brain

Recently I attended an excellent seminar on speed reading by Terry Small in which he asked us if we had a toolbox for our brains. I was the only one in the audience to raise my hand. I believe that NLP acts as a very useful toolbox for the brain because it allows us to repair things in the brain such as traumas, adjust things such as learning to make them more efficient, and build useful things like a brighter future. So if NLP is a toolbox, I began to consider what the major tools might be–what are the hammers, screwdrivers, drill bits and other bits and pieces that we can find in the toolbox called NLP. In this short article, I give a brief description of just some of these tools and hope that you will eventually find them to be useful additions to your own toolbox.

Tool 1: VAK

Your brain deals with the world in several different ways including seeing, hearing, and feeling. Information comes to you from the world and you perceive it as pictures, sounds, or feelings. Or this information can come from your own memory and again come to you as pictures, sounds, or feelings. In NLP, these are called Visual (V), Auditory (A), and Kinesthetic (K), and a truly rich perception of the world involves the use of all three. For example, when a person falls in love, he or she will look at the other’s beauty, enjoy the sound of their voice, and feel the pleasure of being with that person intimately. Because all three modalities are engaged, the perception is extremely strong and these moments of being in love tend to become very strong memories. Learning to use these modalities effectively is a powerful tool in living an enjoyable life.

Tool 2: Submodalities

The modalities of VAK can also be broken down into finer distinctions which we call submodalities. These are particularly useful when we examine our memories and perceptions and use these finer distinctions to shape them in exactly the way that we want. For example, if you remember a happy event you will probably see a picture of the event. You may also have related sounds and feelings. Take a moment to notice whether the picture is big or small, whether it is bright or dark, whether it is near you or far away. These distinctions are examples of submodalities. Next, remember an event that was less happy for you, and one that you would like to make better with your NLP toolbox. Begin to change the submodalities of the unhappy memory. If it is bright, you might try making it darker. If it is near you, you might try moving it further away or making it smaller, or reducing the volume, or moving it out of sight altogether. Memories are not static – they can change every time that we bring them back into our consciousness and using the toolbox to change them in ways that make us happier makes a lot of sense. As someone once said, “It is never too late to have a happy childhood.”

Tool 3: Perceptual Positions

When you remembered the happy memory, did you see it out of your own eyes or did you actually see yourself in the picture? This is an important distinction and in NLP we call them perceptual positions. Looking out of your own eyes is known as “first position” or “associated” and it means that you are immersed in the memory, reliving it as it happened and probably feeling the same things as you felt at that time. When you see yourself in the picture, the memory is dissociated, and it is as if you are watching the event happening to someone else and therefore not necessarily feeling the same way that you felt in the original experience. Both association and dissociation are valuable tools in your NLP toolbox and they each have their own use. In general, it is useful to associate into happy experiences and memories so that we can really immerse ourselves and enjoy them fully. In contrast, it is generally more useful to dissociate from unhappy memories so that we do not have to go through the same negative emotions every time that we remember the event.

Tool 4: Timeline

Our brains can represent time in different ways. If you ask someone to point to the future, many people will point out in front of them and behind them to indicate the past. We call these people “In Time.” Other people have the future on their right and the past on their left. These people are called “Through Time.” Just like association and dissociation, neither of these arrangements is intrinsically better than the other. People who are In Time tend to allow events in their lives to unfold naturally without making intricate plans. Conversely, people who are Through Time tend to make much more detailed plans. Understanding your timeline is a very useful addition to the toolbox for your brain and NLP provides many ways to use it effectively in creating the life that you want.

Tool 5: Interaction with the Unconscious

Most people know that the unconscious mind is the bigger part of the brain, but many are not aware of quite how much bigger it is. One metaphor is to think of a glass of water which is three-quarters full. Is the conscious mind the top quarter of the glass? No, it is better to think of the conscious mind as just the rim of the glass – the small section of the activity of our brains that actually makes it into conscious awareness. Your conscious mind is smart, but your unconscious mind is much much smarter, and NLP offers many tools for interacting with the unconscious mind in order to achieve your goals more easily.


This article has just been a short introduction to some of the tools that can be found in NLP, a toolbox for your brain. The best way to learn more is to get training in NLP where you can experience these tools and begin to implement them in your life so that you can repair, adjust, and build your brain in exactly the most appropriate way to live the life that you really want.
Copyright © 2010 by Dr. Brian Cullen,
Associate Professor, Nagoya Institute of Technology

NLP Coaching and Training

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Nine Tips for More Effective Study

Recently, I attended two great seminars by the Brain Guy, also known as Terry Small. Terry is a lovely Canadian man who is even more lovely in my eyes since he just got an Irish passport. That’s two of my favourite nationalities in one easy-to-listen-to package.

Terry has been a teacher for many many years and now brings his amazing teaching skills and his deep knowledge of the brain to audiences in seminars in North America, Brazil, and now thankfully Japan. His rapport with the audience is superb. The first seminar that I saw was held at Nagoya International School where 125 tired parents and kids had gathered. To say that Terry has a lot of experience in keeping people awake would be a complete understatement. Through a combination of valuable information, magic tricks, interesting props, and much much more, he managed to keep us all completely alert, inspired, and informed for over two hours.

Below, in the form of  nine tips for more effective study, I have summarized some of the highly useful techniques that he introduced to us.

Tip 1. Make goals, write them down, and post them somewhere that you will see them many times every day.
Large companies like Coca Cola and Nike know the effect of advertising on our brains much better than we know ourselves. That is why they are willing to pay hundreds of millions of dollars to put their logos on billboards and sports players’ shirts. And we shouldn’t allow other people’s advertisements to monopolize our brain – we can also advertise to ourselves. Simply make your list of clear goals and post it next to your bed, on your fridge, or on your bathroom mirror so that you see it many times each day. Just by seeing it many times, the frontal cortex of your brain will take steps to make those goals come into reality. In addition, repeated exposure to these written goals will fulfill another bit of important advice: Never Give Up!

Tip 2. Get on your feet
When I was in secondary school (high school for the North Americans and Japanese readers), I used to learn vocabulary by pacing back and forwards across a room. Similarly, when I make an important phone call, I often find myself standing up to talk to the person. Terry explained why getting on your feet is useful. Just by standing up, the blood flow to the brain is improved, more oxygen flows, and memory is improved by 10%.

Tip 3. Learn in VAK
NLP introduced the idea of modalities–visual, auditory, and kinesthetic–and this powerful idea has spread through education, business, and many other fields. Terry explained VAK as three highways or neural tracks by which information can enter the brain. We can learn something by seeing it, hearing it, or doing it. Most people tend to have one dominant modality, but it is when we engage multiple neural tracks into the brain that we can really begin to learn more effectively. For example, running a finger across the page while you read can increase memory by 25% because it opens up the kinesthetic neural pathways. Or talking aloud while you study and engaging the auditory pathways can increase retention of the material by as much as 400%! Or taking notes as you listen to a lecture increases retention by 30% even if you never look at your notes again!

Tip 4. Questions and Answers
As Pavlov showed with his experiments with dogs, the brain can be viewed as a stimulus-response device. Give it a stimulus and it will return a certain response or behaviour. Terry is not suggesting that you study like a dog, just that you use questions as a stimulus for your brain as you study. One of his most useful suggestion for me was the use of the Cornell note taking system. In a notebook, the right-hand page is used for taking notes and the left-hand page is initially kept blank. Later, you can add questions on the left-hand page which correspond to the notes on the right. In this way, you set up a powerful stimulus-response engine for learning. The night before the test, you can practice by asking yourself the questions on the left-hand pages. In this way, you are able to “think like a teacher” and you will be well prepared for any test or situation where you need to recall the information.

Tip 5. Add Colour
Our brains like colour. In fact, our brains like all kinds of visual stimulus. If someone asks you to think of a horse, you are highly likely to see a picture of a horse in your mind rather than seeing the letters H-O-R-S-E. This is because our brains tend to think in pictures rather than words. You can make your study notes more memorable by adding colour and it also makes learning more fun. Get one of those pens with four colours. Terry recommends that you write your notes in blue on the right-hand page of your Cornell notes. Then add the questions in black on the left-hand page. You can add important notes in red because this colour has been shown to get the attention of the brain immediately, which explains why so many advertisements use red. Finally, you can use green as your own personal colour to add other things of interest.

Tip 6. Take Brain Breaks
Our concentration span is limited and that limit is age-dependent. For people over the age of 20, it’s good to take a short break every 20 minutes. For younger people, add two to your age and that’s the length of your concentration span. So for example, a ten-year-old should take a break every 12 minutes and a 15-year-old should take a break every 17 minutes, and so on. Your break doesn’t have to be long. Just 30 seconds or one minute of standing up, walking around the room, or doing some stretches can be really beneficial in giving your brain the break that it needs and allowing you to concentrate again. In the longer term, another important facilitator of effective study is to get proper sleep. Sleep is essential in the formation of long-term memories, so staying up late to study may not always be the best way to pass that exam.

Tip 7. Study Actively
When you study, you should really focus your attention on studying. In NLP, we say that “where attention goes, energy flows.” Remove distractions such as television or iPods from the room, or remove yourself to another location if necessary. By really giving the study your full attention, the retention of material increases massively.

Tip 8. Listen to Baroque Music
There is an exception to tip number 7 above. Listening to one particular type of music can be highly beneficial in studying. Many research studies have shown that baroque music with a tempo of 55-70 bpm can assist in concentration and memory retention. The music can affect the heart rate which in turn affects the circadian rhythms of the brain and can change the listener’s brainwaves from Beta (energetic state) into Alpha (relaxed state) which is more suitable for learning. Terry gives us the amusing line: “If it’s not baroque, fix it.”

Tip 9. Use Flashcards
Flashcards, or Memory & Mastery cards as Terry calls them, are an excellent way to study for exactly the same reason as the Cornell note taking system–they engage the natural stimulus-response system of the brain. By writing a cue on one side and detailed information on the other side, you can easily review a large amount of material quickly. For example, in language learning you can write English on one side and Japanese on the other. If you’re reviewing NLP processes, you can write the name of the process on one side and the details on the other side. Flashcards also have the advantages that you can change the order of the cards and carry them around easily in your pocket. I agree with Terry that flashcards or M&M cards are the number one tip for studying effectively.

I hope that you find these tips useful in your study or in helping others to learn more effectively. If you do get the opportunity to see Terry Small, the Brain Guy, take it immediately. He is an inspirational, informative, and entertaining speaker who will bring much into your life.

Copyright © 2010 by Dr. Brian Cullen,
Associate Professor, Nagoya Institute of Technology

NLP Coaching and Training