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An Introduction to NLP for Teachers

My teaching has changed completely since I learned NLP, and I believe that NLP has a huge amount to offer teachers–to help you really make your classes as good as they can be. This page links to many resources for teachers all over this website and around the Internet. You should also sign up for the Tips for Teachers newsletter if you haven’t already done so.

Teachers all over the world have found NLP to be useful in many ways. If you are new to NLP, you might like to check out the “What is NLP?” page. Or if you are curious to find out how NLP can really help you,  other teachers are already using NLP to …

  • Motivate learners and get them curious to learn more
  • Use language carefully to get the results that you want
  • Create rapport quickly with groups of learners
  • Understand and utilize different learning styles
  • Model the strategies of good learners and good teachers
  • Help students with ‘learning problems” including ADD and Hikikomori
  • Manage your own state and motivate yourself before every lesson
  • Create a rich learning environment
  • Use powerful language patterns to teach at both a conscious and an unconscious level
  • Model the skills and strategies of successful teachers and learners
  • Have more fun than you had thought possible becoming the teacher that you are destined to be

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